Clover High School is committed to the personal development of each student in our athletic program.It is the desire of the Clover lHigh School Athletic Department to provide a safe environrnent for all participants, coaches, and supporters. As a result, we unequivocally oppose any situation created to intentionally produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule to any person. Our athletic department will interpret hazing as any act whether physical, rnental, emotional, or psychological, which subjects another person, voluntarily or involuntarily, to anything that may abuse, mistreat, degrade, humiliate, harass, or intimidate him or her, or which may in any fashion compromise his or her dignity as a person. Student-athletes who participate in such actions will be subject to discipline by the coach, athletic adrninistration, school administration, and/or law enforcement. If you become aware of any abuse or mistreatment of anyone else please report it. Reported incidents will be investigated promptly and in a manner which protects the rights of theperson(s) filing the complaint, the person(s) complained against, and the school.
All athletes must sign (in PlanetHS) stating they have read and understand the hazing policy before participating in athletics at Clover High School.